Monday, March 18, 2013

I will soar on wings like an eagle!

We consulted with the doctor this morning.  He reviewed, with us the facts that my organs and bones were normal, cancer-free!  But, the second tumor is malignant.  All that is confirmed.

We had already discussed that with two malignant tumors, a mastectomy is in order.  The tumors aren’t close together, so there isn’t much choice.
I had gone in there pretty sure that this would be the verdict, and I had sort of decided not to pursue reconstruction.  However, the doc recommended it right off.  I wasn’t convinced, but then it occurred to me that Mike might have a preference.  By the end of that meeting we had agreed to meet with a plastic surgeon and have a discussion.  To talk about a plastic surgeon sounds excessive and maybe even decadent to me.  This had not entered my mind as an option to even consider until today.  Can I get away without this?  Will insurance cover it?  Will it take everything out of the college fund and retirement fund??  It does seem that there are physical and emotional benefits that perhaps I should consider.  We meet with the plastic surgeon on Thursday afternoon.

Without reconstruction it is an overnight stay in the hospital. I won’t be going back to work the same day, or even the next day.  He says I’ll be sore for a few days, but should be back in the thick of it in 2 weeks.  This isn’t how I’d planned to use my vacation time!  But my job isn’t too physically challenging, and I’m not full time. 

I plan to hit the gym between now and then and build up some stamina and muscle tone.  I suspect this will help the recovery side of things.  I might be out the next day, but hopefully I can put in a few hours a day towards the end of the week. We’ll see.
Doc says with a mastectomy I won’t have to have radiation.  He thinks I might not have chemo, but we won’t know until the tissue is examined after the mastectomy.

I have more homework to do.  Contact insurance company; visit with plastic surgeon, and Google, Google, Google.

Isaiah 40:31
31 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.


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