Monday, March 11, 2013

This is going to be harder than I thought

I feel that God is building a nest or cocoon around me, and all of you and your well wishes and prayers are the feathers.   Thank you.  I need every bit of courage and strength that God gives me.  He knows what I need and is providing it every minute and he is using you.

I visited Doc F. this morning.  As I had guessed, the MRI found another .. what?  Lump?  Mass?  Bigger than a spot.  Area? 

When I asked why the mammogram hadn’t found it he said mammograms don’t find them all.  When we began speaking I think he was concerned he wouldn’t be able to find it with the sonogram and biopsy it right then.  He went into and if that doesn’t work we’ll do blahblah and if that doesn’t work then we’ll do blahblah.  Well, the good news is that he found it pretty quickly and did the biopsy.  Results should be in by the end of the week.

Here is the hard part.  If it is also malignant, as the first one is, they will take the whole breast.  You know what bothers me about that?  I’m thinking it is significant surgery.  I’m thinking chemo. I’m thinking he’s hoping it isn’t anywhere else.  I'm thinking this isn't the several dozen pounds I was hoping for.
But I’m not going to borrow worries today.  I will let you know as these questions are answered.  Right now these are my questions.

I asked him this.  “Does this mean the second one is probably malignant?” and he quickly said “No.  Not necessarily.” 

Want to hear something cool.  I have prayed for this man and his wife and children for several years.  I have prayed with his wife about the kids at Conestoga High School, and he has two that are the same ages as Stephanie and Ethan.  Great kids.  His and mine!  Though I haven’t seen his kids since they graduated from ‘Stoga and haven’t seen his wife since about the same time, and I never met him before last week, I will now pray for them again. (esp. him.)

The next step.  In preparation for whatever is next I have the opportunity to experience a CAT scan and a bone scan.  I get the bone scan, but I don’t have a cat.  Just a sweet old decrepit dog that is having her own physical challenges.


This is the song I'm singing today.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and your updates and your heart. I am a feather. :)
