Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Back Story

Thursday March 7, 2013

A week ago I had a talk with my doc.  He was giving me the results of a breast biopsy I had a few days prior, as a result of a mammogram and sonogram done a few days before that.  I was pretty confident everything was fine.  I’d had false concern before.  I’d even had a biopsy 18 years ago.  No problems.  No fears.
But the words he said were not what I was expecting.

“You have a little cancer,” he said.

“Totally fixable,” he said.

“Don’t worry even a little bit,” he said.

So a new chapter begins.

I decided to start this blog as a way for you to keep up with how I am and what is going on in the process of dealing with this.  I don’t plan to share all the gory details, but some of the details will definitely appear here.  I suspect that we will be all done and better than before by Memorial Day.

Today I had an MRI so the doc can get a perfect picture of what is going on.  That’s another first for me.  It went okay.  The biggest problem I am having lately is finding a vein.  I had to have blood drawn on Tuesday to prepare for the MRI.  For the MRI they put in a catheter as a means of introducing the contrast agent.  Both times the tech was very good and hit it the first time.  It is really the pits when they have to “try the other arm”.  I try to drink 2-3 bottles of water before I have to offer my arm.  Probably losing a few dozen pounds will help also.

The other thing is that the machine was very loud!  In several places were signs that said that headphones are required.  But not mine.  I had to use theirs and listen to the music they offered.They provided them and there was a list of music they were willing to play for my listening pleasure.  I chose Simon and Garfunkel.  My concern was that I would make a selection from their list and then regret my choice and have to listen to something I regretted.  I decided it wasn’t that long so I could easily put up with S&G for 30 minutes.  Turns out that once they stuck my head in that tin can and started beating on the outside with a jack hammer, I couldn’t hear “Bridge over Troubled Water” anyway.
They let me keep the little blue socks I had to wear!

I appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts you are sending my way.  I hope you take a moment to send me a message here.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sue,
    I want to be a feather in your cap, too!

    It's taken a week to have the courage to ready your blog! After just reconnecting with you and Mike and having such a fantastic visit last month...

    So, I'm in with you, ups and downs, whatever... I'll be praying and visiting the blog and sending verses, and with you in my thoughts and prayers all day every day!

    Love you tons!
